Catalogue Manager: How to use and Distribute a Catalogue
Wetu is designed to help you distribute your content effectively, and, although there is organic distribution within Wetu, you get the best results from your Catalogue with proactive distribution. This article will show you tips and suggestions on how you can distribute the Catalogues you have created either directly to your clients or on the various platforms you may have.
In this article
Getting Started
Various Methods to Distributing Your Catalogue
Video Tutorial: Share Multiple Itineraries with the Digital Catalogue
Getting Started
In order to start distributing Catalogues, you will have to first create them. Only once you have successfully created your Catalogue, are you able to distribute it.
From your Dashboard, select 'Catalogue Manager'.
To learn more on how to create a Catalogue please refer to the articles below:
Various Methods to Distributing Your Catalogue
Distributing your Catalogue allows you to generate more exposure for your various tours that you have built. Below are the three main methods you can use to distribute your Catalogue. Distribute your Catalogue to everyone - it will not run out!
Make sure that everyone who markets and sells you - from reception to international reps - has a link which they can use to distribute your Catalogue safe in the knowledge that it contains the best and most up-to-date content.
Adding the Catalogues to your Emails and out-of-office response
You are able to add your Catalogues to all emails that you send out as well as your out-of-office responses. Add the Catalogue as a hyperlink to your email signature or to the actual text in your email body. For the times you're unavailable, add it to your out-of-office response.
By adding the Catalogue to your email signature, it will give everyone you email access to view your Catalogues. Again, increasing your exposure for each view you get.
Adding a Catalogue to Your Facebook Page
You can add your Catalogue to your company's Facebook page. By doing this, all visitors to your Facebook page will be able to view the Catalogues you have created.
Refer to the How do I add a Catalogue to Facebook article for step-by-step instructions on how to add Catalogues to your Facebook page.
Embedding your Catalogue to Your Website
The link generated after you have created a Catalogue can be used to embed the Catalogues to your website. This will let all visitors to your website have access to view your Sample Itineraries as well as the various iBrochures you may have included in the Catalogues.
Should you choose to display Catalogues on your website, you can embed them using a Lightbox Plugin. There are plenty of Lightbox Plugins available for WordPress websites, you just need to pick an option that will work best for the website look and feel. Another (and simpler option) is to have an image or text of the itinerary on the website, hyperlinked to the Catalogue. Alternatively, you can put a picture for each Catalogue on your website and when you click the image, the Catalogue will open in a new tab.
Video Tutorial: Share Multiple Itineraries with the Digital Catalogue
Music courtesy of Bensound